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Enhancing social well being and economic prosperity by reinforcing the eFFECTIVEness of protection and restoration management in Mediterranean MPAs

Ocean Ecostructures: Insights from monitoring expedition of Pilot 1

The inaugural monitoring expedition of Pilot 1 by our partners Ocean Ecostructures, GPA Seabots, and the authorities of the Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter marks a significant milestone in the EFFECTIVE project.

Set against the backdrop of Cala Calella in the Mar de l’Empordà, this expedition embodies scientific exploration and the project’s commitment to marine ecosystem restoration and preservation. Cala Calella stands as an invaluable control site within the EFFECTIVE project. This untouched marine environment is a reference to prove the efficacy of restoration efforts. Cala Calella is untouched by human interference, offering invaluable insights into undisturbed marine ecosystems. 

The monitoring expedition’s main objective was to assess Cala Calella’s marine ecosystem. By gathering data on physicochemical parameters, water quality, biodiversity, and biomass, the expedition aimed to establish a baseline for future comparison. Additionally, the expedition sought to evaluate the feasibility of implementing marine regeneration structures and seeding flagship species within this pristine environment. 

The expedition provided invaluable data and insights into Cala Calella’s marine ecosystem.

Physicochemical parameters revealed optimal conditions conducive to marine life, highlighting the area’s importance as a biodiversity hotspot. Water quality assessments featured pristine conditions, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to maintain this balance. 

Biodiversity surveys revealed a rich marine life, showcasing the abundance and diversity of species inhabiting Cala Calella’s waters. From coral formations to marine mammals, each discovery underscored the area’s ecological significance. 

Furthermore, biomass assessments provided insights into the trophic dynamics of Cala Calella’s ecosystem, offering valuable data for future restoration efforts. These findings serve as a testament to the importance of preserving untouched marine environments and highlight their importance in global biodiversity conservation. 

The data gathered during the monitoring expedition will serve as a foundation for the EFFECTIVE project’s work in marine ecosystem restoration. The knowledge gained from Cala Calella will inform the design and implementation of restoration actions within degraded areas like the Port of Estartit. By using the natural resilience of immaculate environments, the project aims to develop sustainable solutions for marine ecosystem regeneration.