SEASTAINABLE VENTURES is an expert in accelerating and managing new and innovative projects to help society in the transition to a blue economy. In the EFFECTIVE project, SV will develop innovative business models to establish economic survival and become time-lasting.
According to them, the EFFECTIVE project’s main objective is to develop a comprehensive scientific knowledge base and practical guidance, combining science, technological nature-based solutions, digitalization and social implications for the application of the Ecosystem-Based management to the protection and restoration management of the EU’s Mediterranean Blue Natural Capital.
EFFECTIVE project means a step forward to integrate scientific base knowledge on the protection of marine ecosystems and threatened species, through a toolbox of Nature-based innovative and technological solutions which they are proud to be part of.
Team Members and Roles:
Ignasi Ferrer Pellicer– Creator of business models and analysis of natural capital valuation.
Montserrat Vilaseca Reguant – Project Controller