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Enhancing social well being and economic prosperity by reinforcing the eFFECTIVEness of protection and restoration management in Mediterranean MPAs

The Catalan company and one of the esteemed partners in the EFFECTIVE project, Ocean Ecostructures has developed a new technology to regenerate marine ecosystems, that uses a biomaterial made from byproducts, surpluses or waste that could not be reused.

They produce biomimetic multilayer micro reefs made from this natural substrate, specifically designed for marine infrastructures, complete and functional.

Implemented at the bottom of the ocean, the resistance and behavior of this material was already tested at Vilanova I la Geltrú, in Barcelona. According to the Director of Operations in Ocean Ecostructures, it is possible to develop structures based on natural substrate that favor the formation of new habitats for marine species.

For the EFFECTIVE project, this type of technological innovation is extremely important to accelerate the process of protecting the seas and their ecosystems. It is an emerging problem that requires the collaboration of numerous entities. Only collaboration fuels transformation. 

For more details, visit Ocean Ecostructures official website.